Board Election Results; HOA Dues Increase
At the October 21 Annual Meeting, three board members were voted to new terms: John Obourn, Dave Kramer, and Jack Duran. Jeff Steffan decided to step down and we thank him for his time and many contributions to the betterment of our community.
The new board members are as follows: John Obourn, president; James Wedding, vice-president; Marilyn Mathewson, secretary; Dave Kramer, treasurer, and members-at-large Jack Durand, Dawn Zilch, and Jeff Hay.
The Board reported that HOA monthly dues will increase in January 2025 due to rising water irrigation costs and vendor fees. Single-family homes will be $155 per month, and townhomes $228 per month.
HOA Seeks Member Approval for Proposed Governing Document Revisions
Dear Homeowners, the Amended and Restated Declaration, Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws are available to view by clicking on the links below. The Association will be seeking approval of these revised governing documents.
The Board of Directors for the Southpark Homeowners Association (“Association”) has been working on amendments to the Association’s governing documents, has provided homeowners an opportunity to provide input and feedback on the drafts, and is now ready to move forward with the final vote. The Association’s existing documents were created in 1981 and since then the State of Colorado has passed several new laws that supersede the Association’s governing documents. The Board felt it was important to bring these documents into compliance for both current homeowners and future home purchasers. These changes do not expand the powers of the HOA Board, nor do they change how HOA dues are charged or increased.
The Association respectfully requests you to take a moment to review the documents. Should you have any questions please contact Rana at
Thank you.
SouthPark HOA
New Schedule for Trash & Recycling Pickup
Effective immediately, Waste Connections has changed the trash pickup and recycling days. Historically they have picked up trash for both single-family homes and townhomes on Mondays, with recycling pickup every other Monday. Now, there are separate pickup days, as follows:
The Calendar page has been updated to reflect these changes. Also, click here to view and download the Waste Connections 2024/2025 calendar, which lists the observed holidays that may affect pickup dates as well as a QR code to download their app.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Ken Dold Memorial Ride on Aprl 23. We had a fantastic turnout, beautiful weather, and we were thrilled to honor our friend in a meaningful community-driven way. Plus, we were able to donate $1,000 to Cyclists Without Age!!! Amazing!
From Susie:
"Thank you to everyone who took time out of their busy schedule to honor Ken. It really meant a lot to Zach, Sarah, and I. We will forever remember Ken for the loving, humble man he was. Much love to you all!"
We hope to see you all again next year!
Long-time SouthPark resident and Board member Ken Dold passed away in April 2022. He served on the HOA Board for 10 years and often volunteered to tackle many tasks in the community. Ken’s wife Susan continues to serve on the Social Committee.
The sport court renovations have been a big hit with the neighborhood. Residents and their guests are enjoying pickleball, tennis and basketball on the new surface. Please do your part to keep the courts in great shape. Rollerblades, bikes, skateboards, etc. and pets are not allowed as they can damage the surface.
Click here to learn how to reserve a court and brush up on the rules of Pickleball.
Trash pickup is on Thursdays for townhomes & Fridays for single-family homes, with recycling pickup every other week. See the Calendar page for the recycling schedule. For service questions, contact Waste Connections at 303-288-2100 or visit
The SouthPark Board of Directors meets at the clubhouse on the third Monday every month at 7:00 pm (no meeting in December). All residents are welcome to attend.
Click the logo to view the current issue of our newsletter in full color. For news or event submissions, email
SouthPark's water provider, Denver Water, is offering rebates for the installation of new high efficiency toilets and clothes washers. The rebate form requires you to know your water account number. Single-family homeowners can find this number on their water bill. For townhome owners, click here.
Need a plumber? Got a leaky roof? Want to recommend a great painter? Click the paint roller to view the SouthPark Vendor Directory. To recommend a company, send an email to
If you notice a major water line break in the common areas, call AMI immediately at 720-633-9722 to report. This number is only for a major emergency (that is, water is gushing out of the ground).
If you need an access card for the swimming pool and sport courts, click the button to complete the form and submit your request. A recreation committee volunteer will then contact you when the card is ready. Please allow a few days.
All Rights Reserved | SouthPark HOA